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COVID-19 PCR test

The London General Practice is delighted to be able to offer a COVID-19 PCR test with same day results.  This test can be used for fit to fly and is available by a self-administered swab orally and nasally, which can then be couriered back to the clinic.  Alternatively, a health professional can visit and take the swab for you.  You may however wish to have a clinic visit where the swab is taken in the clinic.  

Fast Track COVID-19 PCR TEST

For Fit to Fly and Day 5 Test to Release: £465

Call +44 (0)207 935 1000
(online booking not available)


Government Mandated Programme if arriving from a Green List Country or an Amber List Country (if you have been fully vaccinated with a UK, US or EU administered vaccine*)

If the test result is negative you are then free to end your isolation. This Gold Standard PCR Swab Test is not suitable for travellers arriving from Amber or Red List countries.

*US and EU vaccines applicable from 4am Monday 2nd August 2021. Please check the guidelines for the country you are travelling to / from.

Test to Release Day Five  

The London General Practice is proud to be on the government regulated day five test to release scheme.  This test is to be undertaken on the fifth day following arrival in England.  If the arrival day is day zero, then the next day is day one and the earliest date that the swab can be taken is day five.  If the swab is negative, then you are released from quarantining. 

The London General Practice can achieve the day five test to release with same day results.

A home visit can be arranged or you are allowed to attend the clinic.  The test can also be self-administered.  

The day five Test to Release scheme does not apply to those arriving from a ‘red list’ country.  

Day Two and Day Eight Government Enforced COVID-19 Testing

Government Mandated Programme if arriving from an Amber List Country (if you have not been vaccinated with a UK, US or EU administered vaccine more than 14 days before you enter the UK*)

The London General Practice is proud to be an approved provider of the day two and day eight COVID-19 testing.  These are undertaken by PCR swabs.

The day two test is designed to identify any variants of concern.  Tests can be taken in your own accommodation or our clinic and are then delivered back to the clinic or laboratory.  In the event of a positive result, a 10-day quarantine period is required on the day after the test was taken.  Any family members who are in your household will also require to quarantine.

The day eight test can be taken on or after day eight but is not required if you had a positive result from the day two test.  In the event that you receive a positive result from this test, you will be required to quarantine until day 19.  

The government day two and day eight COVID-19 tests are required for all passengers arriving in the UK unless they have a job that qualifies for an exemption from quarantine.

*US and EU vaccines applicable from 4am Monday 2nd August 2021. Please check the guidelines for the country you are travelling to / from.  

What is required before you travel to England?  


If you are travelling from an amber list country and you have been vaccinated against Covid-19 then you only require the Day 2 test and will not need to quarantine at all unless that test is positive.


  • You must have received both doses of the vaccine
  • It must be a UK administered vaccine
  • You must have received your second dose of the vaccine at least 14 days before you arrive in the UK

For more information see the UK Government website here

SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Tests

The London General Practice is proud to have partnered with Virtus Laboratories, a laboratory which is headed by Professor Sebastian Johnson from Imperial College, which specifically looks at the quantitative level of IgG and IgM antibody.  Most of the currently available tests do not look for IgM antibody unless specifically requested.  

The London General Practice SARS-CoV-2 antibody test measures the antibody to the spike protein, which is the protein in the vaccine, and one could expect good responses after two to three weeks from a single dose. 

Neutralising antibodies are the antibodies that stop the virus infecting and they correlate with protection from infection.  

The London General Practice antibody test has been validated against neutralising antibody levels and correlate strongly with neutralising antibody activity.  So, the antibody levels will correlate strongly with protection from infection.  

If one tests positive on The London General Practice antibody test then one is protected against COVID-19 for as long as the antibodies remain positive.  

The commercially available Abbott and Roche tests have a low level of sensitivity and specificity and are not as reliable as The London General Practice antibody test.

Dr Paul Ettlinger
The London General Practice

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