What is Lyme disease?Independent August 2023“Lyme disease is an infection caused by a group of bacteria transmitted through an infected tick, giving you a specific set of symptoms.” Dr Sanjay Mehta, GP at the London General Practice, discusses Lyme disease, the...
Press Articles
Let’s talk about Menopause…
Let’s talk about Menopause… Health & Fitness July 2023 The London General Practice recently welcomed Dr. Elise Dallas to our Harley Street team. With specialised training in menopause care by the British Menopause Society and a keen interest in women’s health, Dr....
Sleeping Pill Addiction
Sleeping Pill AddictionExpress July 2023Dr Paul Ettlinger, Private GP at The London General Practice, outlines some of the dangers of sleeping pill addiction, the symptoms to look out for and advice on what to do if you if you are worried that you have a problem with...
Preventing dehydration and heat exhaustion
Preventing dehydration and heat exhaustionRed Magazine July 20233Dr Angela Rai, Private Harley Street GP, discusses some of the tell tale signs of heat exhaustion. With increased temperatures comes an increased risk of dehydration, heat exhaustion and heatstroke. Some...
Is Hay fever getting worse in the UK?
Is hay fever getting worse in the UK?Good to Know June 2023Dr Nasir Hannan, Private Harley Street GP, contributes to an article discussing the increase in hay fever across the UK. With the number of people diagnosed with hay fever in the UK trebling over the last 30...
Holiday Hygiene – Summer Health Risks to Avoid
Holiday Hygiene - Summer Health Risks to Avoid Independent - June 2023Dr Angela Rai, Private central London GP, discusses some of the health risks to look out for while on holiday and offers some helpful tips on staying healthy while abroad. When travelling one thing...
Health Issues that Women are Embarrassed to Discuss
Health Issues that women are embarrassed to discuss Yahoo - June 2023 Dr Elise Dallas, Private Harley Street GP at The London General Practice, contributes to an article discussing health conditions that women often find embarrassing to talk about. Female health...
A Doctor’s Core Fitness and Nutrition Principles
A Doctor's Core Fitness and Nutrition Principles For Women Sheerluxe - June 2023 Dr Elise Dallas, GP at The London General Practice, provides some fitness and dietary tips that can help to improve your health and well being. Just some of the advice offered looks at:...
Getting Rid of Ingrown Toenails
Getting rid of an ingrown toenail Daily Express - June 2023Dr Angela Rai, Private London GP at The London General Practice, contributes to an article on how to get rid of ingrown toenails. Often causing pain, redness and swelling ingrown toenails occur when the toe...
Recurring Ear Infections
Recurring Ear Infections The Times - June 2023 Dr Sanjay Mehta, Private London GP, features in an article discussing recurring ear infections. While 80% of ear infections will not require antibiotics there are cases where medication and surgical intervention may be...