By Dr Angela Rai of the London General Practice. The fourth in our series of articles. With spring in bloom comes the emergence of viruses such as Chickenpox, a highly contagious infection caused by the Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV). Predominantly affecting...
We are delighted to announce that Claire Potel has joined The London General Practice as Business Development Manager. Having recently moved premises to 114a Harley Street, Claire joins the team at an exciting time for the Practice as it continues with its planned...
The London General Practice is please to announce that from Monday 8th May it will be located in new premises at 114a Harley Street, just three doors down from its previous location. The move is part of a planned expansion of the Practice increasing the number of...
If you’re a Private Doctor or Practice based in London and interested in the benefits of a 24/7 on-call service then we’d love to hear from you. The London General Practice is one of the few London Practices which operates its own fully comprehensive...
By Dr Angela Rai, The London General Practice. If you’re looking to travel, for business or pleasure, then it’s best to plan ahead as you may require travel vaccinations. Some vaccinations need to be given at least six weeks in advance, and others such as rabies need...
We’re very pleased to announce that Lowenna Humphries has joined The London General Practice as Patient Experience Manager. Lowenna joins to lead front of house services and to assist in developing the ‘London Global Practice’ brand and ‘Global Health...