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Health Screening FAQs

Our specialists answer some of your questions on health screening

What should I do if I'm worried about family health history?

The screening specialist will investigate your family history and take into account any concerns you have regarding your medical background. In combination with the comprehensive screening assessment and family history, the specialist will decide upon further tests and diagnostics you may need.

How do I make a screening appointment?

To make an appointment:

Phone: 020 7935 1000

Our administrative team are at hand to book an appointment at a convenient time for you.

Is there a downside to having a comprehensive health screen?

There is no downside to having a comprehensive health screen and in fact regular screening is reccommended.

Embarking on The London General Practice screening programme is one of the best ways to invest in your health. The aim of our health assessment is to give you the opportunity to understand your own personal risk factors and to help you mitigate them.

Screening cannot eliminate your risk altogether, nor can it offer a guarantee of protection. However, screening can help to identify early signs of disease or other health issues, enabling early intervention and potentially improving the quality of life. The practice uses up-to-date evidence based pathways for all its screening programmes, and creates bespoke packages developed around an individual’s own health needs.

What if my screening reveals something wrong?

If there is an abnormal result your screening specialist will discuss this with you and guide you through the various options. It is important to note that not all abnormalities detected need to be treated, this will be evaluated by our team of expert clinicians and discussed with you throughout the process.

Do I need Health Screening?

Traditional screening services such as blood pressure, cholesterol and blood glucose tests are good general indicators of basic health, however, they are not able to diagnose cancer or cardiovascular diseases on their own.

In addition The London General Practice Health Screen provides you with a full body medical which is designed to put you in control of your health. Whatever the outcome of your screening, you will be equipped with insight, knowledge, expert support and advice.

Whether you require further investigations, treatment or simply wish to make positive lifestyle changes for a longer, healthier life we will guide and advise you through the process.

Do I need to prepare for my health screen?

Yes, prior to your initial check-up we will send you a health questionnaire, which we ask you to fill out and return to us. This includes questions regarding your lifestyle, past medical history, family history (i.e. any family member with heart disease or breast cancer etc.) and any current concerns.

This will be reviewed during your appointment with the screening specialist. 

You need to arrive with a full bladder for a urine test, you will also need to fast 12 hours prior to your appointment and drink only water (unless diabetic, in which case we ask that you ring us to discuss the appropriate protocol for you). This is because some of your screening blood tests require you to be fasting for an accurate reading. A light menu will be offered after your appointment with your screening specialist.

Why is The London General Practice different?

The London General Practice provides a personalised screening programme tailor made for you. The screening specialists will work with you to devise a plan, based on your family history, past and current medical history, lifestyle factors and your test results. We will then arrange any necessary tests/investigations relevant to your individual risk profile.

We strive to detect medical conditions such as cancers and cardiovascular disease while they are still treatable. Our board of consultants ensures that our customised health screenings are conducted ethically and that each test/investigation is warranted and appropriate for you.

The London General Practice utilises state-of-the-art scanning technology, which provides greater accuracy for early detection of potential diseases. All tests/scans are reported by highly regarded clinicians who have access to leading specialists for further investigations or treatments if necessary. Early diagnosis can make a real difference to survival, life expectancy and quality of life.

Contact The London General Practice

If you would like more information, have any additional questions or to find out more about health screening please get in touch.

Phone: 020 7935 1000

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Phone: 020 7935 1000

The London General Practice offers a number of screening services. To find out more about all screening services available at The London General Practice click below.

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