Latest healthcare news
Does Previous Infection With COVID-19 Help to Prevent Reinfection?
A paper published by Krutikov and others in The Lancet June 2021 aimed to investigate the association between SARS-CoV-2 antibody status and subsequent infections within a population in a long term care facility. They undertook a prospective cohort study...
Alzheimer’s and SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 infection; links with brain microvascular injury and neuro inflammation in dementia like cognitive impairment
An interesting paper published in Alzheimer’s research and therapy 9th June 2021 reviewed this issue. The authors, Zhou and others suggest that dementia like cognitive impairment is an increasingly reported complication of SARS-CoV-2 infection. ...
Current Update on COVID-19 in the UK
Professor Justin Stebbing in his daily articles on COVID helps to analyse this issue. He tells us that the WHO has warned that the Delta variant of COVID first identified in India is poised to take hold across Europe, adding that it is no time to cut down on the...
Do Household Pets Catch COVID?
A study published by Hamer and others published 19th May 2021 researched this issue. They argue that understanding the ecological and epidemiological role of pets in the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 is critical for animal and human health and helps to...
What Symptoms Persist After COVID-19 Infection?
A German study which looked at 442 individuals with COVID-19 who had mostly mild symptoms followed these patients up four months post infection had. This was published in The Lancet Regional Health by Augustine and others in July 2021. The most...
Are COVID Vaccines Safe in Adolescence?
An interesting research paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine by Frenck and others May 27th 2021 researched this issue. Until recently, vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 have not been authorised for emergency use in persons under the age of...
Vaccine Efficacy
A report published as a preprint in medRxiv May 21st by Shapiro and others helps to evaluate this issue. The authors used data from publication, reports, and press releases and concluded that the average efficacy of the Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson,...
Do We Have Any Effective Treatments For COVID-19 In Community Based Patients?
A study published in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine May 27th 2021 by Tardif and others researched this issue in relation to colchicine. Evidence suggests excessive inflammation in COVID-19 patients plays a role in the development of...
Can Indoor Mass Gathering Live Music Events Take Place If the Attendees Are Screened by Lateral Flow Antigen Tests?
An interesting article published by Revollo and others in The Lancet Infectious Diseases May 27th 2021 sought to research and answer this question. The banning of mass gathering indoor events to prevent SARS-CoV-2 spread has had important effects on local...
Can One Have COVID-19 But Be Antigen and PCR Negative?
An interesting correspondence by Lekpa and others published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases May 28th 2021 suggests that this is indeed the case. They feel that the clinical case and context for the suspicion of COVID-19 needs to be brought into the...