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TruCheck™ Early Cancer Screening Blood Test

When you detect cancer in its early stages, treatment is more effective and the chances of a positive outcome are significantly increased.

The TruCheck™ Early Cancer Screening blood test is a thorough check for the existence of cancer in your body, identifying which type of cancer(s) you have, and from which organ they have originated.

Ideal as part of an annual health check up, this blood test for cancer will help you understand whether you currently have cancer or not, and if you do – where tumours are located for rapid treatment.

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What does this test offer?

The TruCheck™ Intelli Early Multi-Cancer Screening blood test checks your blood sample for Circulating Tumour Cells (CTCs), and clusters of the cells.

New in the UK, this test is revolutionising the ability to detect cancer at its earliest stages, and we are proud to be one of the first providers in the country to offer it to the British public.

A non-invasive procedure, this test requires a simple blood test appointment to draw a small sample from a vein in your arm. This sample is then analysed at a leading UK laboratory to detect the existence of any CTCs and therefore to determine whether you have any cancers currently in your body.

To understand how the early cancer screening blood test fits with our range of cancer testing options read our blog here.

How does the test process work?

We will book you an initial appointment to understand your medical history and reason for the test. Our Doctor will also discuss with you the risks and benefits associated with the test, they will then draw a blood sample which will be sent to the laboratory for analysis.

Results are typically returned within 2-3 weeks (12 working days is stated by the lab from receipt of the sample). We will then arrange for a follow up appointment to discuss your results with you and if required plan any further action.

Clinical Backing

If you would like to find out more information about TruCheck’s clinical trials, click the link below:

Why is this test so revolutionary?

Launched in the UK in late 2022 after rigorous clinical trials, this test is brand new to the diagnostic screening industry. It is the only test available publicly to check for Circulating Tumour Cells (CTCs), detecting even the tiniest existence of cancer from a small blood sample.

Highly accurate, it not only identifies whether you have CTCs, but also where they originated. This means you know where in your body the primary tumour is located, speeding up diagnosis and treatment, and enabling doctors to focus treatment on the required areas.

Which cancers does the test check for?

Our test can identify a wide range of solid organ cancers (cancers which affect organs, rather than blood) including:

  • Melanoma
  • Head and Neck
  • Salivary Gland
  • Thyroid
  • Lung
  • Breast
  • Liver
  • Biliary Tract
  • Gastrointestinal
  • Soft Tissue
  • Osteosarcomas
  • Mesothelioma
  • Urinary Tract
  • Gynaecological
  • Prostate
  • Thymus
  • Adrenal
  • Central Nervous System
  • And Many more

View Full Cancer List

  • Adenocarcinoma
    (AD: Salivary Duct, Thyroid, Breast, lung, Oesophagus, Stomach, Duodenum, Jejunum, Ileum, Colon, Rectum, Pancreas, Gallbladder, Bile Duct, Liver, Ovary, Prostate, Uterus)
  • Squamous Cell Carcinoma
    (SCC; Buccal Mucosa, Hard Palate, Larynx, Lip, Oral Cavity, Paranasal Sinus, Pharynx, Pyriform Fossa, Retromolar Trigone, Soft palate, Tongue, Tonsil, Oesophagus, Lung, Penis, Cervix, Vulva, Vagina, Anorectal, Skin)
  • Adenosquamous Carcinoma
    (ADSC: Oesophagus, Lung)
  • Neuroendocrine
    (NET: Lung, Esophagus, Duodenum, Jejunum, lleum, Thymus, Adrenal, Pancreas, Prostate, Colon, Rectum)
  • Renal Cell Carcinoma
    (RCC: Kidney)
  • Transitional Cell Carcinoma
    (CC: Bladder, Renal Pelvis, Ureter)
  • Gastrointestinal Stromal tumors
    (GIST: Stomach, Duodenum, lleum, Jejunum, Colon, Rectum)
  • Melanomas
    (Cutaneous, Mucosal)
  • Mesothelioma
    (Plural, Peritoneal)
  • Sarcomas
    (Carcinosarcoma, Chondrosarcoma, Leiomyosarcoma, Osteosarcoma, Liposarcoma)
  • Small Cell Lung Cancer
  • Glioma

What if my results come back as ‘positive’?

A positive result means that CTCs have been found in your blood. The test results will indicate the location for the select type of cancers with high accuracy, and in other cancers the tissue of origin can be identified with reasonable accuracy. This means we can tell you where the cancer started developing in your body.

With any positive result, your Doctor will call you personally to discuss your results, what they mean and guide you on your next steps which would include a referral. We have an established patient pathway if you get a positive result.

Does a ‘negative’ result mean that I am ‘totally’ cancer free?

A negative result means that at the time of the test there were no detectable cancer cells for the cancers included within the test, circulating in your blood. It does not mean that you will never develop cancer. For any cancers not covered by the test, no inference should be drawn from a negative result.


Sensitivity is the ability to correctly identify people with cancer. All Trucheck tests find early signs of cancer at least 88% of the time. So, the test will correctly identify at least 88 people out of 100 with early signs of cancer.


Specificity is the ability to correctly identify people who do not have cancer.

All Trucheck tests have a specificity of 99%. So, the test will correctly identify 99 people out of 100 without cancer. This means you have a low likelihood of receiving a false positive result and go through unnecessary medical procedures.

Blood or lymphatic system cancers

Trucheck cannot detect blood or lymphatic system cancers, as only solid organ cancer produces circulating tumour cells.

Are there any restrictions on who can take this test?

We have certain clinical requirements that you must fulfil in order to be eligible to take this test. You will need to complete an online form when you checkout to confirm these and they will be checked during a pre-consultation call with our Doctor.

To take this test you must:

  • Be 40 years of age or older. (35 – 40 year olds accepted subject to being deemed high risk, please enquire)
  • Not have any symptoms of cancer currently. If you have suspected symptoms, you should visit your GP urgently.
  • Not have any clinical or radiological suspicion of cancer currently.
  • Have not ever been diagnosed with any type of cancer.
  • Have not previously had any treatment for any type of cancer.
  • Not have a blood transfusion within 72 hours of your blood draw appointment.

Please ensure you carefully review the eligibility criteria mentioned above before booking the test, as failure to meet the criteria or any subsequent changes may result in the test being declined during the pre-consultation.

How frequently should I take this test?

As this early cancer screening test is non-invasive, there is no disadvantage to frequent testing. However, we advise that this test should be performed every 12 months in the case of each negative result, perhaps as part of an annual complete health check process.

What’s the difference between the TruCheck and Galleri Grail test?

Although the fundamental premise of both the Grail and the TruCheck test is to identify the presence of early stage cancers in the blood, the technology is quite different. Grail relies on a process where the detection of cells is indirect, where the TruCheck test uses immunocytochemistry to directly detect actual Circulating Tumour Cells (CTCs). Grail, unlike TruCheck, is not available in the UK as a private test and is currently only being conducted as part of an NHS Clinical trial. The supporting medical trial data for Grail has not been as strong in the detection for early-stage cancers in comparison to TruCheck, and so the overall cancer pick-up rate is lower.

Pricing: £1,199

Does not include consultation fee

*There is no consultation fee if the test is conducted during your Annual Health Screening.

At the London General Practice we screen for cancers individually or as part of one of our comprehensive health screens. Our genetic testing cancer panel can also help you understand if you have an increased genetic risk of developing any one of 57 hereditary cancer conditions.

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The London General Practice offers a number of screening services. To find out more about all screening services available at The London General Practice click below.

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