Will Going to bed with wet hair give you a cold?

Independent – March 2023 

Dr Stuart Sanders

Dr Natalia Bogatcheva, private GP at Harley Street’s The London General Practice, contributes to an article discussing some of the common myths our mums may have told us.

Dr Bogatcheva advises that common colds are generally caught if someone coughs or sneezes near you or via the transmission of bodily fluids, but wet hair has nothing to do with it. Whilst it does not result in a cold, going to bed with wet hair or having wet hair for long periods, may however be damaging to your hair or scalp.

To find out more truths behind the myths our mums told us please read the full article below. If you have any questions, would like to book a comprehensive health screen or receive further lifestyle advice from a Harley Street GP then please get in touch here.


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